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anime reviews & ratings



If you clicked the 'About' button, you were clearly wondering who is writing those reviews and rating these anime. To be honest, I am not certified in the field of movie or TV series criticism. However, it has always been one of my dearest hobbies to analyze and interpret characters and write about how or why a certain movie or episode is interesting, impactful, boring or simply awful - to break it down and look at it from various perspectives.

It was only recently when I started watching anime (after years of refusal) and - of course - I got addicted.  In the meantime, I have watched my fair share of anime across various genres and decided that it would be a waste not to review them, especially since I eventually ended up doing it for myself (call it obsessive compulsion).  


As for me, I am a master student currently finishing my thesis and desperately looking for any kind of distraction - which benefits this webpage greatly. I  enjoy all sorts of art and entertainment, be it photography, paintings, books, manga, anime, TV shows, movies, dance etc. and a huge fan of lore, culture and …DnD. I spend most of my nights either watching, reading or typing, which means that the shadows under my eyes are probably not genetic (although I wouldn’t know, because I have never really been sleeping much). 


My passion for anything interesting and extraordinary left me with high standards and a very critical eye, and my need for knowledge about anything that currently attracts my focus helps me to bridge the gap between the lack of experience in this area and well-founded criticism.


As this page is still young and mainly serving the purpose of absorbing and gathering the constant output of my restlessly typing fingers, I encourage you to write me if you want to know my opinion about anything or wish to commission artwork (or simply to rant about my unsatisfactory portrayal of a given anime). 


Yours faithfully, 


~Me ~

The Rating System

It is based on a scale from 1-10 and interpreted as follows:


1 - abysmal, probably the worst I have ever seen

2 - truly awful

3 - unwatchable for a specific reason

4 - unsatisfying but with certain redeemable elements

5 - mediocre, watchable

6 - fairly good

7 - good

8 - very good

9 - outstanding

10 - probably the best I have ever seen

Most anime ratings will range between 4 and 8 with very few outliers. As opposed to the current trend on IMDb to rate any show that is deemed unsatisfying with a 6, I believe an anime that earns a 6 is still fairly good. There are various aspects to judge, such as visual and acoustic components, content and plot, character development and overall impression of the anime. Naturally, there are various personal preferences influencing the ratings, but I try to remain as objective as possible while explaining in my reviews just what contributes to the rating of a given show. 

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